Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday 01/10/13

1. A dear, dear friend who has invited Renae and me for a "real" dinner one night each week before we move.

2. My condo is officially "for sale by owner".

3. A comment by a friend on fb that made me almost cry but reaffirmed what good friends I've made here in Michigan tha I will miss very much.

4. Amtrak that can bring a friend right to Dallas over spring break!!!

5. Good results in Monday night's football champioship game for me. Roll Tide!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Aa Random Saturday

Miscellaneous thoughts from today:

You do have to put baking powder in cornbread. I had it but forgot to add it with the other dry ingredients.

My friend's son will be getting married this summer. Yesterday he and his fiance had their first meeting with their minister and his wife. He is about 80 miles from here and the fiance is living in Texas. Between now and the wedding the minister, his wife, and the couple will meet by Skype every two weeks and for the year following the wedding as well. I haven't been through that process but that certainly impresses me as a minister who sees his responsibility as much more than pronouncing a couple husband and wife and collecting his fee. Oh, there's no fee either for this.

Today I sold my table and chairs. They had no real sentimental value to me, but I liked them. I found them at a garage sale about 5 years ago and had them refinished. Renae recovered the seats on the chairs for me. For some reason I don't like selling those or the hutch for the big move. The younger couple that got it were obviously happy at how nice they were and said they would take good care of it.

Thankfully I'm not as sick as others, but this cold has pretty well wiped me out. I slept hard for over an hour late this afternoon which means I didn't get to Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day.

My parents are the best.