Sunday, September 25, 2011

Holy Land Trip pt. 1

So many things to share following 16 days on a trip to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt with an overnight in Turkey. There will be more posts and more pics as I process this amazing trip.

This is us ready to leave on a bus ride to O'Hare. We certainly look fresh don't we?

This is me at the top of the Mt. of Olives overlooking the Old City. You can see the Dome of the Rock in the background.

A highlight of the trip was getting to know my new Bluffton friends. Here Myra, Shari, and I are walking on David St. after going to the Wailing Wall on Shebat (Friday evening). Myra's husband, Steve, took the picture. Shari e-mailed from a list of e-mail addresses of trip participants and we realized we have the same church background, and Steve is actually a 3rd cousin! It was definitely a small world thing.


Ann said...

Great pics! Yes, you look fresh at the beginning. From what I understand, by the end you probably didn't look so fresh. :-)

rk2 said...

Yeah, I still don't. : )

marym said...

Ready to see more pics!

tv vanavond said...

nice pic.. happy journey.....