Thursday, January 1, 2015

Books I Read in 2014

My reading goal is to read one book a month. I at least met the spirit of it by reading 13 books although three were for work. One book took me a long time to complete, and I finally skimmed through to complete on 12/29/14. Because of that book I've decided on a new reading plan. I'll give a book a 50 to 60 page trial. If I just don't like it, I will not allow my occasional OCD to take over and insist I finish the book even if I'm not liking it.

Here is my reading list for 2013:

Open Space Technology Harrison Owen 1/14
America the Beautiful Ben Carson 2/14
Killing Jesus Bill O'Reilly 3/14
Kisses from Katie Katie Davis 4/14
Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni 5/14
Every Good Endeavor: Tim Keller 6/14
Unveiling Grace: The Story Lynn K. Wilder 7/14
No Dark Valley Jamie Langston Turner 7/14
The Litigators John Grisham 8/14
Hope Runs: An American Tourist, a Kenyan Boy and  Journey of Redemption Claire Diaz-Ortiz 9/14
You Can't Not Communicate David Grossman 10/14
Things That Matter Charles Krauthammer 12/14
What Jesus Was Thinking When He Was 6-Years old Craig Wieland 12/14

:Open Space Technology" was for work. It's a concept on how to organize a meeting to generate many ideas to solve a specific issue or problem.

"America The Beautiful". I like a lot of what Ben Carson says. I'm not sure he is electable, but I'd love to see him in a government position.

"Killing Jesus". My least favorite of the Killing series, but it was interesting to read right around Easter. I really like Lincoln and Kennedy.

"Kisses from Katie". I was very interested in this as she is somewhat connected with 147 Million, an organization to help orphans around the world which was started by a former co-worker. I'm not sure I agree with the idea of single parent adoption and she seems a bit too good to be true, but a good story and read.

"Five Dysfunctions of a Team". For work. A quick read.

"Every Good Endeavor".  My first and maybe only Tim Keller book. I found it good but a concept I think I already "get". I found it difficult to get through. One that made me decide on my trial for books.

"Unveiling Grace". Very interesting. A family's movement into and out of the Mormon church.

"No Dark Valley". My first Jamie Turner book. Not impressed. The guy was too unreal.

"The Litigators". John Grisham is my favorite fiction author. Another good read.

"Hope Runs". A very interesting book in the vein of  Kisses From Katie.

"You Can't Not Communicate". A quick read for work that was recommended at a business luncheon. I'm mostly keeping it in the list to get a book in for the month!

"Things That Matter". I'm not that familiar with Charles Krauthammer. The book was not what I was expecting and it became a chore to complete. This is the book that made me start my new rule for reading.

"What Jesus Was Thinking When He Was Six-Years Old". I don't remember who recommended this book on facebook, but I ordered it on the kindle. It was either free or very cheap. It's historical fiction of Jesus interactions with others as he went from childhood to an adult and realization that He was the Messiah. Interesting.

Here's to more reading in 2015!