Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28

August 28, twenty something years ago, my niece was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAIMIE. I still am planning on a bow fishing expedition!

August 28, 2004 a rental truck pulled out of my driveway, a good friend Lynn came over to help do a final clean up, I stopped by the gym for a few goodbyes at a volleyball match, and I headed out to Michigan. I pulled into town on a dreary rainy day and the trees lining the street were already turning colors. I could only think "What have I done?" But it's been a very good move. I was given a box of Schwan's Gold 'n Nugit bars as a gift!

August 28, 2006 I bought my Honda Fit. It was a great car as it had an amazing amount of room and could haul anything!!!

51 weeks ago today, August 28, I left on a 16-day trip to Israel/Jordan/Egypt--an unbelievable trip of a lifetime. To celebrate I drank a glass of Squencher, an electrolyte replacement drink.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

House Project

This is my house project for the summer. Eight years ago I replaced the old carpet on the front step which is about a 4'x4' area in front of my door. The carpet had been chewed by a small creature at the bottom and it was fraying on the edge. The condo association doesn't look kindly on that and I was more than ready to get rid of it.

Hence my idea to remove the carpet and paint. Renae pulled the carpet off one evening before I had the chance to take a picture of it. Below is wit the carpet off. My thought was to use the pressure washer and an adhesive solvent to remove the leftover adhesive. For future reference--it doesn't work.

The second night I put on a solvent but I let it get too dry so I wasn't very successful that night either. The third night I used two different kinds of solvent and kept the adhesive moist to scrape as much as I could off. I was much more successful and below is the step ready for paint.

 First coat of paint put on over the weekend.

The next two are the second coat with tri-colored flecks. I'm not sure if the flecks will last.

I'm glad it's over. I may be painting again soon, but for now it's done.

A side highlight was getting to talk with numerous neighbors each time I was out working.


Am finding this very powerful this a.m.

Say not my soul, “from whence can God relive my care?’

Remember that Omnipotence has servants everywhere.

His method is sublime, his heart profoundly kind,

God never is before his time, and never is behind”

This was in Spurgeon's Morning by Morning. It's interesting that my IPod Touch needs to be synced to a computer with the correct date and time, but then God knew it was the right time for me to read this today and not two days ago.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grandma Hemmer

Today would be my Granda Hemmer’s 110th birthday. She died in the fall of my senior year of high school. Labor Day weekend that year the youth group at church went on a camping trip. I’d never been camping and really wanted to go, but Mom and Dad said I should go with them to visit relatives in IL. When Grandma passed away several weeks later I was glad I had made the trip to see her for what would be the last time.

There is much to be said for this wonderful Christian lady. Her husband was killed early in their marriage when their children were 18 months (my mom) and 3 months old. She raised her young children through the Depression and moved in with her mother and single sisters. She was a widow for 50 years and 1 day. She did much through her church to help the unfortunate around the world. And she cooked.

But today I think about the many different things that happen that make me think of Grandma Hemmer. Whenever I hear “emphysema” or “asthma”, I think of how a lady who never smoked a day in her life suffered from both in her later years.

Yesterday at the farmer’s market I saw the biggest cinnamon rolls. I thought, “It doesn’t matter how big they are, they will never be as good as Grandma Hemmer’s!”

When I garden I think she would be proud of me. I remember her big vegetable gardens along with the beautiful flowers she grew around the edges. And when my garden gets too weedy I think, “Grandma Hemmer’s garden would never look like this!”

When I get hungry for molasses cookies I think of Granda Hemmer.

On the few occasions I putz around in the kitchen cooking various things, I think it’s my grandma coming out in me.

Last night my mom reminded me it would be Grandma’s birthday today, but every year the first time I write the date on August 2, I’m reminded of Grandma Hemmer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken, Chicago, and Values

The mayor of Chicago says Chick-fil-A's values aren't Chicago's values yet he worked as chief of staff for a president who opposed gay marriage until earlier this summer and is from Chicago. So maybe Chick-fil-A's values are Chicago's values?