Tuesday, August 7, 2012

House Project

This is my house project for the summer. Eight years ago I replaced the old carpet on the front step which is about a 4'x4' area in front of my door. The carpet had been chewed by a small creature at the bottom and it was fraying on the edge. The condo association doesn't look kindly on that and I was more than ready to get rid of it.

Hence my idea to remove the carpet and paint. Renae pulled the carpet off one evening before I had the chance to take a picture of it. Below is wit the carpet off. My thought was to use the pressure washer and an adhesive solvent to remove the leftover adhesive. For future reference--it doesn't work.

The second night I put on a solvent but I let it get too dry so I wasn't very successful that night either. The third night I used two different kinds of solvent and kept the adhesive moist to scrape as much as I could off. I was much more successful and below is the step ready for paint.

 First coat of paint put on over the weekend.

The next two are the second coat with tri-colored flecks. I'm not sure if the flecks will last.

I'm glad it's over. I may be painting again soon, but for now it's done.

A side highlight was getting to talk with numerous neighbors each time I was out working.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Nice home repair job!!