Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28

August 28, twenty something years ago, my niece was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAIMIE. I still am planning on a bow fishing expedition!

August 28, 2004 a rental truck pulled out of my driveway, a good friend Lynn came over to help do a final clean up, I stopped by the gym for a few goodbyes at a volleyball match, and I headed out to Michigan. I pulled into town on a dreary rainy day and the trees lining the street were already turning colors. I could only think "What have I done?" But it's been a very good move. I was given a box of Schwan's Gold 'n Nugit bars as a gift!

August 28, 2006 I bought my Honda Fit. It was a great car as it had an amazing amount of room and could haul anything!!!

51 weeks ago today, August 28, I left on a 16-day trip to Israel/Jordan/Egypt--an unbelievable trip of a lifetime. To celebrate I drank a glass of Squencher, an electrolyte replacement drink.

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