Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Books I've Been Reading

I like to read; I just don't do it as much as I would like. However, in the last year I've worked at reading more and completing several books I've started. I like a variety of books. When I consider what I read and have read, I realize that I have done very little with the classics. I had a gift card to a bookstore that is not in Michigan so over Christmas I used it in Alabama when I was home. I found an compilation of Jane Austen's seven novels. Before I began it there were two books I wanted and needed to finish. (John Grisham's An Innocent Man and Hand of Providence by Mary Beth Brown).

Last night I began Pride and Prejudice while watching the Lady Vols of Tennessee take a controversial victory from Rutgers. So far into chapter 4, so good.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I am making the change too! I am going to Wordpress...my new site is www.thebaskets.wordpress.com. :-)See you there. Sarah

Anonymous said...

So does reading a book with seven novels count as one or seven books?

rk2 said...

Sarah--I couldn't comment on your site. It said I had to be logged in, but I'm not sure what kind of account I would need to log in. Am I just a techno idiot?