Monday, February 18, 2008

What To Drink?

I’m ready to call Uncle! when it comes to drinking, but I’m thirsty.

I drink Diet drinks; in fact, I couldn’t tell you that last time I drank a sugared carbonated beverage. For years I’ve been sent numerous forwards about Nutrasweet causing headaches, pain, etc. and even putting people into comas! Those forwards, as most are, are not true, and I just ignored them. For every study that says drinking diet drinks make you crave sweets, etc. there are the same number of studies that say that isn’t true.

I also use an artificial sweetener for coffee and tea as well. So, I drink a lot, but I’m not taking in calories from my drinks.

Last week GMA had a story that made me think made since. Purdue U. did a study that showed that taking in artificial sweeteners trains the brain that the sweet taste equals no calories so that when you do eat a sweet with calories, the body doesn’t know what to do with those calories. OK, that isn’t exactly the abstract for the study, but it is the way I understood it.

All last week I really thought about it when I would eat or drink something with an artificial sweetener. I even thought I’d try to drink the coffee at work black, but it was pretty bitter. I even put in just a smidgeon of sugar to hopefully take off some of the bite. I also made an effort to drink more water even though I already drank water as well.

Especially in a restaurant where water can have very different tastes, I like to squeeze a little lemon. This weekend I get an e-mail with this attached.

Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! What is left to drink???

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