Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Deer Sighting

I was driving down a country road last night when a deer crossed the road ahead of me. I slowed down expecting another one to pass as well. Until I was much closer I could barely make out a little fawn crossing the road as the color blended in with the dirt road. When I got to where they crossed the road I stopped. The mother deer had stopped and was turned looking at me. The little fawn was trying to cross a ditch.

When do deer give birth? The fawn was barely walking across the road and was so small which made me wonder if it was not very old.


Ann said...

Mike would know. He's working so much night shift right now that I hardly see him, and when I do he's hardly coherent, but at some point I'll ask him.

How do I get some of that Mary Kay tanning stuff? Should I find a consultant here or could we work out a mailing deal?

rk2 said...

We can so definitely work out a mailing deal!!! I'm getting an order in today or tomorrow with some in it. I'll mail it to you, and I'm guessing there will be a big sister discount as well. : ) I'll call you about it later.