Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Yesterday on my final day of vacation, Renae, her mother and I went to Shipshewana’s flea market. It was a beautiful day for it and the market was not crowded. It made for a fun day of shopping. I made several purchases including a 3-piece luggage set that will be easily identifiable on a luggage carousel. The black suitcase with big pink polka dots will also be color useful for MK. Of course, we all made sock purchases since about every fifth booth had tables loaded with socks!

We also ate supper at the Blue Gate Inn which is similar to Das Dutchman Essenhaus for those familiar with it. We all had chicken from the menu rather than eating family style.

I meant to take a camera to take a picture of the gas station with the hitching post for the Amish buggies. I had a low tire when we left in the afternoon so we stopped at this gas station to put air in the tire. Wouldn’t you know the air tank was situated right beside the hitching post. Let’s just say the horses had left some remains so Renae and I had to do a little tiptoeing to put the air in the tires!

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