Monday, July 7, 2008

This Will Be Me Someday

Last night I got hope about 8:30 to find my neighbor, her sister, and a friend sitting outside. It was a great night, and although they asked me to get a chair I really didn’t have time to sit down. I chatted for a few minutes with them. You may remember that neighbor is about 88, maybe 89, and her husband died in early April. This is basically how the conversation went. N=Neighbor, S=Sister, F=Friend, Me =Me.

F: You’re phone is ringing.
S: I hear something. Is your phone ringing?
N: What, is my phone ringing?
After about 6 rings she gets up to answer it, but the others tell her there’s no point in it as they will hang up before she can get to it. That’s exactly what happened.
N: It’s probably my daughter or my son. But it may be that singles dating service. Milt wasn’t dead two weeks and I got information from a singles dating thing.
F: (Starting to laugh) Yeah, she went out with some guy and didn’t tell anyone.
ME: Oh, that was the strange car I saw in the driveway.
N: Don’t you know it!
I politely left and walked into my side of the garage to get several things out of my car. However the conversation continued. Remember, that through all of this I was about 10-15 feet from them.

S: Is she a good neighbor?
N: Oh yes.
F: Does she come by you and check on you.
N: No, she doesn’t do that. She’s real busy. She’s gone by quarter to 8 and doesn’t come back until late at night a lot of the time.
S: How long has she lived her.
N: Oh, 3 years.
S: That long:
N: Maybe even 4.
F: Has she ever been married?
N: I don’t know. We never asked.

Not only was I standing at my car getting stuff out and heard the entire conversation so did the rest of the neighborhood probably.

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

That conversaton reminds me of an evening at the nursing home visiting Dad. I wheeled him out to a little sitting area, and he, Mom and I sat there, soon joined by Bill Krones. I don't know if you remember him, but he is a cousin who never got beyond about a 10 year old level. As I sat there, Dad was mumbling incoherently, Mom couldn't hear anything and kept repeating "what?" and Bill Krones was doing his nonstop asking questions and then when you try to answer him, he says, "Huh?"
After a few minutes of this chaos I started giggling, and then got into one of those hysterical laughing fits that wouldn't stop. With their "conversation" and my rude laughing, it was a bit of an insane moment.