Sunday, October 5, 2008


The garden is essentially done. Friday night was our first freeze so yesterday we picked the rest of the tomatoes. I dug the potatoes, but something went wrong and I found only about 10-12 small red potatoes. Maybe we waited too long to dig them, but we had been told we could leave them as long as we wanted. The only thing left is to pick the popcorn and hang it to dry. We'll do that next weekend.

The garden overall was not a success this year although at the end we did get quite a few tomatoes and some peppers to make quite a bit of salsa. We also had quite a few beans. The potatoes, broccoli, squash, and okra however never really made.

Maybe next year we should back off some on the garden--it's a lot of work.

The final garden report will come in a few weeks regarding how the popcorn is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joey learned a great way to make microwave popcorn with regular popcorn. Just put about half a cup or so in a brown paper bag and dribble some oil over it. Staple it shut and pop for about 4 minutes in the microwave. It's delicious. And better for you than regular microwave popcorn. :)