Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Update

What a weekend. Friday night I spent reading the paper and practicing piano. It was an early to bed night after a long week. Saturday morning was in-service at Cornerstone for PGS. Joe Stowell, the new CU president spoke. The morning was good as the topic was Being Spiritually Contagious in the Classroom, but it did mean setting an alarm clock to be there. After that I went to a mall on the east side of GR that I rarely go to. Got a really good deal on black pants at Kohl's. Saturday afternoon was supposed to be practicing the piano and watching the AL game, but Renae and I got into a project to hang bikes in their barn. Since one of the bikes is mine, I thought I should help put up the mechanisms to hang them. After two trips to Gemmen's and one to Lowe's we had all the we needed plus more so I'll be returning stuff to Gemmen's this week. The evening was two hours of piano practice.

This morning was be at church at 7:30 to go over service music with the organist. All the instrumentalists were supposed to be there at 7:50, and handbells joined in at 8:15. I spent SS going over the music again. It was communion Sunday so there was a lot of music!!! I rang the first hymn, went down to the piano for a couple of songs. Played four songs for communion, rang the offertory, and then rang the postlude.

My friends--Glenn, Renae, and Brian,--surprised me by showing up for the service. It was really nice to look out to see them supporting me.

I'm very tired tonight. Why?

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