Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Shopping Inquisition

Interaction as I was checking out at a local discount retailer yesterday:

Clerk: Would you like $10 in free coupons for giving us your e-mail address?
Me: No, thank you.
Clerk: Would you like to donate $1 to St. Jude’s today?
Me: No, thank you.
(All of this was before she scanned anything.)
She scanned the item.
Clerk: What is your birthdate?
Me: Why do you need to know my birthdate?
Clerk: Because you are buying spray paint.
I pulled out a credit card to pay.
Clerk: Would you like to apply for our credit card?
Me: No, thank you.

It seemed like an awful lot of questions for one can of spray paint.

1 comment:

Ada said...

Hey, you should be flattered that she thought you were too young to buy a can of spray paint! While you could easily pass for 25, I'm not so sure about 20.