Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Red Jacket Party

Last night was my big Red Jacket celebration at the MK meeting. Becky did a great job of making a big to do of it all and more than sufficiently honored me. I said she set the bar pretty high for celebrating red jackets and that was her intent. Renae went as my guest, Shelly came as well. Nancy Hanna showed up about half way through as she thought the celebration was going to be near the end instead of at the beginning when it was. At least she was there for cake.

My recruits and other team members gave me "red" gifts. Shelly gave me a red basket with heart candies, Becky gave me a red candies, a red backpack clip in the shape of car in case I want to work for the next level, red batteries, a red key chain with a panic button (she said it would call her for those times when MK life is overwelming), and some other things, Kelli gave me rich hot chocolate in a red tin with a wish that I get rich with MK, Lydia gave me candles to light up my life with MK, and Katelyn gave me red hots because I'm red hot with MK. Julie gave me a red rose--red for the jacket, green leaves for the money you can make in MK, thorns because the road won't always be easy, and a rose scent for the sweet smell of success.

Becky and me

Me with the cake:

Renae with me.

With my recruits: Shelly, me, Lydia, Katelyn

Me with some of the decorations:


Ann said...

You look good in red!

Anonymous said...

That's what I was told Monday night. : )

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I just told H. and she said "I'll sell it! Is there an age limit?" I said, "What about A'onne?" She said, "I think MK has more perks!"