Monday, April 6, 2009

Movie Reviews

I’m not a big movie watcher—something about the time sitting for a couple of hours even with a Pause button for bathroom breaks and the money that typically leave me thinking I could have used both more valuably. However over the weekend Renae got two movies that although I really had planned to see either left me pleasantly surprised.

I’m also not a big one to read a lot into the meanings of movies. I watch a movie for entertainment, and while I wouldn’t necessarily recommend Slumdog Millionaire I was left with the sense of God’s love continually reaching out and seeking us. There was also a strong message of the futility of living one’s life in a self-centered money grabbing way versus looking out for the good of others.

The other was Marley and Me. First, my “allergies” really got to me near the end of the movie, and Renae kept reminding me that I don’t like dogs. Second, I was surprised at how much I liked the movie. Yes, it had some sophomoric humor to it, but it was really nice to see a movie with a message of family first—when marriage and family life gets rough you work through it and adjust to the changes that years bring to a relationship.

Two movies in one weekend; I probably won’t watch another movie for months.


Anon. typist said...

I've not seen Marley and Me, but a good friend who had said that if you can watch it and NOT cry, then you aren't human... :)

Rhoda said...

I didn't cry; I just had allergies.

A.T. said...

So are you not human?!?