Friday, June 26, 2009

A two-year old at the pool

A family came over to Renae's Thursday night to look at the chicks and then swim. The 2 almost 3-year boy was quite impressed when he would get out of the pool and the water would stream down between his legs. He bent over a little and was watching it. When his mom asked him what he was doing he said, "I tinkling." Then he had to continuously get in and out of the pool to see himself "tinkle".

It was interesting that as soon as he walked in the pool area he immediately went to a rock that was holding down a screen and threw it in the pool. Later he had to pick up the turtle planter which unfortunately had a broken leg so the leg fell down and the turtle wouldn't stand up anymore. What a boy!!!

His older sister was going to help him jump off the board because he wanted to. Unfortunately, he wasn't all the way to the end of the board and instead of jumping out she jumped to the side which meant he fell to his knees and got dragged across the board into the water. I don't think he's going to want to jump off a board in the near future.

And then last and probably best when they were ready to leave he was pushing a swing. His mother said, "What do you say when I say 'Come'?" He very politely yelled back, "I coming" while he continued to push the swing. I think a better training question would be, "What do you do when I say 'Come'?"

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

Little boys are interesting...Sam and Shelley got a babysitter over the weekend that the boys hadn't seen in awhile. They were quite excited. When Shelley was showing the girl around the house, the 5-yr-old came running in, held up his finger and said, "Wait for it...wait for it......and you can guess what came next!