Monday, July 13, 2009

Chicken Update

Here are the chickens on Saturday at 3 weeks and 3 days old. Saturday was moving day from the safety of a box in the chicken tractor in the barn to out in the "back forty" in the chicken tractor. They seem to like their new location and didn't mind the grass. The flapping tarp scared them, but they seem to be getting used to that. The solar lights are supposed to help keep them calm and to help ward of predators although I'm not sure they give off that much light. In the last day or two they've lost even more of the soft down on their heads and are getting more feathers. The move was pretty exciting for them. I'm sure it would make a pretty funny to see Renae and me carrying the chicken tractor out to the back of the four acre yard, loading up the chickens into a wagon attached to the lawn tractor. Sitting on the back of the tractor I was holding down the chicken wire over the wagon while she drove out back. Then we had to load up the waterer and feeder with the boards to hold down the chicken tractor, etc.
The good news is we moved 18 out on Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday there were still 18. Rhoda and Renae 18, predators 0.

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