Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A new Home

The chicks have a new home. On Saturday we went scavenging for a refrigerator box, laid it on its side and then cut off the top half. It is much larger than the tote they were in and they love the room. It’s funny to see them run and flutter back and forth.

They don’t like being picked up so it was funny that they went to the furthest corner of the tote when I was putting them in the biggest box. I thought how silly they were: I was picking them up and doing something they don’t like to give them something much bigger and better. I suppose it’s like being a parent or even how God is with us some times. We so like what we know that we don’t like it when we have to go through something no matter how small because we don’t know about the bigger and better.

It’s funny to us that when they go under the light, they will flop down on their side with a wing spread. It’s quite comical and we don’t know why. Do you?

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