Sunday, August 23, 2009

Despaired by the Organ

Here I told the story of the first day I played the organ at church. Today was probably the 6th or 7th time I've done so. We rehearse at 8:00 for about a half hour and the service begins at 10:15. During the interim between rehearsal and church a guy came and told me that there was a problem with one of the pipes and I would have to turn off the organ during the sermon and then turn back on afterwards. Apparently one of the pipes has a hole in it and air is passing through or over it and it sounds as if a fan is on.

At the beginning of the service the worship leader says, "Don't be despaired by the organ." Umm, thanks for that vote of confidence. However, it was a good thing because every wrong note I thought the audience would just think, "Hmmm, must be the pipe problem."

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