Saturday, August 29, 2009

What I Learned at the Fair

I learned two things at the fair last night:

1. People really do pay $3/lb for a 1450 lb cow. It cost a 4-Hr about $1500 to raise that cow.

2. Dairy cows don't necessarily have udders; in fact, very few of the cows in the dairy barn. Being the brave one I asked a lady about it. The conversation went something like this.

Me: I am a cow idiot so I have a question.
Lady: What's your question.
Me pointing to a cow without an udder: I may be a cow idiot, but I'm pretty sure you're not getting milk from that cow.
Lady laughing: You're right. A cow doesn't get an udder until it has a baby. At 15 months we can breed the cow, and it takes 9 months to have the baby. That way they birth the baby at 24 months and then they get an udder. You have to keep having the cow give birth to keep getting milk. We don't bring milk cows to the fair because the price of milk is so low that we afford to waste the milk here at the fair because we have to just throw out any milk we get here.
Me: Thanks for asking my stupid question.
Lady: There's no such thing as a stupid question.
Me: I've taught jr. high, and trust me there is such thing as a stupid question.

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