Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Teaching Reflection

For some reason I was randomly looking at the obituaries in the newspaper of a town in which I used to teach. I was surprised to see that some former students’ father had died. It was a dysfunctional family—the father was extremely harsh with his boys, but when I disciplined one, the father was immediately in the principal’s office complaining. The boys showed the scars of harsh parenting. While they were rather distant, one came to me when he heard that I wouldn’t be returning to the school, looked at me, started crying, hugged me, and then let go and walked out of the door.

It was very clear he knew the difference between discipline in love and punishing you because I’m a bully and can.

1 comment:

MLK said...

Students like that one really tear at the heart strings. Teachers have such great opportunities to portray of the love of Christ.