Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. A couple of projects at work seem to be nearing completion. Today I mailed off checks for bank approval something I tried to do last week but there were issues with the new program.

2. My Christmas flight arrangements are complete.

3. Saturday continues my traditional Saturday before Thanksgiving festivities: Hudsonville Craft Fair, Hudsonville Holiday parade, Pumpkin Pancake breakfast for friends, and then Michigan v. Ohio State.

4. Got to talk with Nancy last night. Although she has a long, long, long road of recovery, she is doing really well. She has a more comfortable cast on her wrist after yesterday's doctor visit.

1 comment:

Your mother said...

I especially enjoy your Thankful Thursday blogs as I vicariously live out your reasons to be grateful. This causes me to think about my own reasons to be thankful. Thank you for the prodding.