Friday, February 19, 2010

My Take on Tiger

Tiger Woods made a public apology today. There’s been a lot of talk about if he needed to publicly apologize and now was his apology sincere.

Yes, he needed to make a public statement. Tiger Woods has the status he does because of the public. If there were no public, he would not have made millions for playing a game. Even if he didn’t try to build an image of being a “good guy” (which he did), he still needs to acknowledge publicly his transgression. He is right that any details of his sordid behavior are between himself and his wife. The press and the public don’t need to know.

Was the apology sincere or too rehearsed? I would like to think he is sincere, but I’m not able to judge his heart—only God can do that. His wife is correct in that his apology to her isn’t in the words he says but in his actions going forward. Too rehearsed and therefore lacking in meaning??? Yesterday I hosted the Finance MBX at work. There are 40-60 people who attend, and I rehearsed my opening comments, introduction, etc. I absolutely understand rehearsing an emotional speech to be made with millions of people watching. I think the guy deserves a pass on this one.

Tiger said the right words: I believed that the rules didn’t apply to me. I am at fault here. I did the wrong thing. He certainly didn’t blame others.

If only he had been like David saying, “Against thee have I sinned,” and not I lost my Buddhist way.

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