Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Project Is Complete

Several weeks ago I posted here about a sewing project at work. That was a training day to learn the machine. Today I spent four hours in the sewing area completing six of these:

These are reusable shopping bags made from scrap material. For every six we make we could keep one. They will be given out during an Earth Day activity.

My craftsmanship was somewhat lacking, but the handles are on, the tag with HMI logo is in the right place facing the right direction, and the bottom is flat.

By the way, the sewing pedal comes down hard and fast. I got the tip of my finger only once, but I can still feel it five hours later.


Ada said...

Now you have a better appreciation of the great skill I have with my sewing machine!! lol

rk2 said...

I'm very impressed with your work. You'll notice I didn't show a closeup of my work. I'm the kind of person that will look at something and thing, "Oh, I can do that." And then I try it, and well, it looks like I did it!!!