Friday, May 7, 2010

I Have Only 68 Friends

Liked this post which has a link to this post.

I've had conflicting feelings about Facebook and other social media. While I realize I'm not a great writer to post a great essay, my two most recurring thoughts about it are "Who really has 594 friends or 1023 friends?" and "Who cares if you just went through the BK drive thru for a Whopper Jr.?" The second link above answered one question--they aren't friends; they are connections?

At what cost do we re-connect with everyone from our entire life who we will never see most likely at the expense of local and real friends and connections that could truly be friends?

Obviously I'm not anti-social media as I'm on-line every day, but sometimes I wonder about it.

1 comment:

Mack said...

this was really good rhoda - good articles - good thoughts - i have struggled with this as well - although i do have an account- find in our line of working with teenagers it is hard to connect with them if we aren't texting or on facebook - that leads to them wanting to go out to lunch or come over, etc...i don't know - it is hard - i appreciated the articles a ton!!!!