Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday 12/30/10

Where to begin?

1. What a wonderful time with family over the holidays.
2. Making heavenly hash again for the family, and it turning out well.
3. Seeing Jeffrey inhale the heavenly hash dessert.
4. Playing lots of games with family even if it was Rummikub and I lost a gazillion times.
5. Getting Chik-fil-a with Mary Lee.
6. Watching JM and Jeffrey build a couple of snowmen.
7. A backrub from Mary--she's the best!
8. No issues on my flight.
9. Two weekdays free before heading back to work on Monday. I'm getting stuff done but not on a time schedule to do so.


Jayne, from bells said...

Mmmm. Chick-fil-a.

MLK said...

I always enjoy your Thankful Thursdays--they make me more thankful. MLK

Unknown said...
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