Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Last night while finishing some work and getting ready for bed I had the tv show Parenthood on in the background. I don't watch this show but have found some of the previews funny.

I was surprised to see two parents showing some real backbone with their daughter. Apparently she is 16 dating a 19-year old recovering alcholic, food bank worker of a different race. The parents have forbidden her to see him because of his age and background. She of course doesn't let him know that so he shows up one day to go out. There is a an exchange and the father tells him to leave.

Give the guy a lot of credit: he gets mad at the girl for lying to him when he's trying to be honest to others and himself. He even visits the father at work to let the father know he didn't knowingly violate the parents wishes.

The father told the boy something like this:  Haddie is 16 and you are 19. She has the rest of her life to deal with adult issues, but right now we just want her to be a 16-year old as long as she can.

Wow, that showed a lot of love for the child and not hate for the boy.

I don't know how the show ended as I was asleep, but as a non-parent I found it refreshing to see parents set guidelines for their child and then follow through when those lines are crossed.

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