Saturday, June 25, 2011

Company Picnic

Today was our annual company picnic. It is held at the county fairgrounds, and while it is geared towards families with children there is still plenty that I find enjoyable. I always play both sessions of bingo, play a golf game, and do some trivia or Price is Right. This year there were also several Minute to Win It games, and I won at stacking 7 metal nuts. This was the first year I didn't win a bingo prize. I did get my yearly supply of golf tees and missed hitting the bucket by 1/4" according to the golf game director.

They serve a great meal of grilled chicken, hotdogs, bar-b-q pork, cole slaw, baked beans, potatoes, and fruit. There are various stands with Schwan ice cream treats, elephant ears, cotton candy, caramel corn, and fruit.

I'm glad my company wants to do something fun and entertaining for us. To me it's a nice benefit. I find it interesting that people either love the picnic or won't touch it. I look forward to it every year.

1 comment:

Ann said...

It is kind of a shame that some people won't "touch it." Even if they're not thrilled about it, it would seem like they could at least recognize the effort that is made on their behalf.