Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

1. What a good week for lunches:
      Monday with Heather and the boys and I won the "7000" game!!!
      Tuesday a picnic at the park. It was so much fun to watch a few kids chase the Canada geese and wonder when the geese were going to retaliate.
      Wednesday with Jayne at our breakfast place.
2. This time of year provides the best drives to work. The trees, flowers, and crops have filled out and are maturing so it's very green. The rolling countryside is just nice as I drive through the country from the Hudsonville to the Zeeland exit.
3. I think of myself as a glass is half empty kind of person so I'm thankful when I realize that compared to another person I'm much more glass is half full thinker.
4. Got a great deal on a baby gift this week! 
5. My niece's dye test came back with good results. When her father sent a picture of her in recovery I thought she be dyed, but she wasn't. I was thinking neon blue, green, or orange!


MLK said...

I'm happy to see my favorite blog return!

rk2 said...

I thought you may be.