Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday 09/29/11

1. Well, of course, the trip was just amazing. More posts to come, but it is taking some time to work through the pictures.

2. Met some great people on the trip that I hope we maintain contact.

3. A new class at CU begins tonight. I enjoy teaching but there is always a bit of apprehension about meeting a new group. This is a four-week class so just about the time we get comfortable, the class is over.

4. Have been to ArtPrize twice. Saw a very colorful painting of a floor full of toys last night at the Public Museum. That was my favorite of the night I think. Last Saturday I really liked a piece of old crayons at the Diocese and the large exhibit made from used lottery tickets at UICA. Great message in that one. And at the Art Museum I liked the picture collage of an old barn.

This is a picture made from 5 colors of duck tape! It's at the Public Museum

5. I'm trying out some different contacts. A few mornings the contact has moved in my right eye while getting ready in the morning. This morning I tried to find it in my eye and couldn't do it. I thought that it surely couldn't be in the shower still but when I pulled back the curtain--there it was!

I learned on the trip that the rabbis taught you are to "bless" (praise/thank) God 100 times a day to acknowledge all He does for you. I'm thinking about changing the name of my (almost) weekly post, but I probably won't try to list 100 items.

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