Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday 12/29/11

1. For 2676 days I have had heat available as needed at my home. There has now been only 1 that I haven't. Hopefully the repair guy will be able to just light the pilot light and not say I need a new furnace--although it will be a very expensive pilot lighting if so.

2. A wonderful, wonderful Christmas holiday with family. Everyone was very generous in giving, and we had great time together. I missed Lindsay, Emma, Whitney, Jaimie and TJ very much.

3. A nice travel voucher for the inconvenience of arriving at my destination 5 1/2 hours after originally planned.

4. Chik-fil-A sandwich for lunch today--so thankful it's in the Atlanta airport!

5. A good friend who was willing to pick me up at 10:30 pm instead of 5 pm. Thankfully she is on vacation today!

EDIT: Just heard the heat kick on and can feel it as I sit right by the register. Heat is a good thing!!!

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