Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thankful Saturday??? 9/22/12

1. I recently sold an item on ebay. Got to love that you can print the label, slap it on the package and put in a mailbox. Now if only my other two items would sell.

2. A former student and now friend posted on facebook about her husband and sons (maybe 8 and 10 years old) going to a boy's conference. When they returned the father told the boys he wanted them to put together a presentation to share with him, their mother and sister about what they learned. Rose posted a picture of the two boys in front of their fireplace. They had prepared an entire "church" service around what they had learned! It was interesting to see father investing in his sons and to see these young boys really taking to heart what they learned.

3. Had a great week visiting family last week. I put over 1200 miles on a rental car, but I got to spend time (not enough though) with every sibling and their family. Mom and I took a very nice overnight trip to Savannah. Love my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, and great niece.

4. It's been a rough week at work getting caught up in addition to taking care of my regular work and taking on a new project. I have posted a poem on my computer that says "Omnipotence has servants everywhere." So thankful that some of those servants helped carry my load this week. Family who prayed for me and cared, and a co-worker who did some of my daily work several days this week. Yesterday a co-worker asked what was something she could take off my plate during her slower time of the accounting month.

5. Yesterday I came down with a full-blown cold. I am so thankful that this is a slow weekend with nothing planned so that I don't have to go, go, go.

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