Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012. I'll remember today.

51 weeks and 4 days after I started a new job I found out my job would be eliminated at the end of February. I knew it was a possibility at some point, but when you walk into a conference room with the finance director and the head of HR you know it's not good.

It could be worse. My close friend and work team leader was told her job was eliminated effective today.

It's interesting that this came down 2 days after the election. I'd like to say it's the result of that but it's not. The official reason is the department is moving to Minneapolis.

So today I begin to find out what my faith really is.
It's easy to say God is in control, God knows, God will take care of me.
I know all of that.
I also know that I have a strong, loving, and very supportive family and a strong support network of friends.
But I cannot say I'm not scared, and I cannot say I haven't had a lot of tears today.

So tomorrow morning I go back and finish the job.

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