Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thankful Thursday 6/19/14

1. A wonderful, wonderful trip to SC for Father's Day Weekend.
2. Eventually getting there safely after boarding three planes, two of which had "maintenance issues."
3. Parents who are willing to be at the airport at 2:00 a.m. to pick me up.
4. Getting to see two siblings, two in-laws, and four nieces and nephews.
5. Finding blackberry bushes on a Sunday evening walk with my mother. We went back and picked eight cups. She made a batch of blackberry jelly on Monday.
6. The local berry farm still had fresh strawberries. I got my first fresh strawberries of the season Monday morning. The ones in the grocery store don't come close!!!
7. New job is going well for what I'm doing of it. It's very, very busy trying to do my old job until it is filled while learning the new job.
8. Got in the pool last night for awhile after a hot day. It makes sleeping so nice.

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