Friday, January 27, 2023

Book Review: So Help Me God

So Help Me GodSo Help Me God by Mike Pence
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Overall a good book as I really enjoy reading about what goes on in the Oval Office and other high positions. Mike Pence is a man of principle which came through loud and clear, and he was a honest about what Trump did wrong post-2016 election as he did what Trump did right prior to that. His explanations of various programs he implemented as governor of IN gave me a different viewpoint that challenged my thinking on things such as healthcare and welfare programs.

Pence is a man of faith but even as devout Christian he came on very strong.

My biggest issue is that Pence writes the way he talks. It's a long book. Pence is not a dynamic speaker. I could hear his voice as I read. Enough said.

I recommend reading regardless of your political position.

View all my reviews

Funny story about the book. My parents wanted a Christmas gift for my brother so I bought this for them to give him. He bought the book for a Christmas for them and one for me for Christmas!

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