Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today I was a research subject. I got to sit in a chair for 1/2 hour and basically give my opinion of the seat every five minutes based on the way I adjusted it. Not bad for a Target gift card! The best part was I got to read USA Today for the time--well while I wasn't talking to the researcher who I've gotten to know over the last year.

To continue my customer service rant(s): The teller at the bank today said my name correctly--woo-hoo!

Tomorrow I begin a stint of five days of vacation, two weekends, and a holiday with two days of work mixed into the middle. I plan to get lots and lots of work around my house done. I also have a work project for a friend as well as getting the garden planted on Saturday.

This year we are going to plant at least two tomatoes upside down. Has anyone done this and what were your results?


Nog Blog said...

I never heard of it...what's the expectation of planting upside down? Tomatoes are the only thing I miss about not having a garden. You just can't buy good tomatoes. Last year I tried potted plants, but they were a failure. Planning to try again this year. So now what's the deal about planting upside down??

Anonymous said...

Nog Blog, : )

This is what the link says:

First, the air can circulate better so the plants have almost no disease problems. Second, the fruit doesn’t rot as quickly as that on the ground. And finally, some critters that eat tomatoes have trouble getting to the ripening fruit.

It was a little bit of a challenge to get the tomatoes planted in the bucket. Right now we have them upright to let the roots grow into the dirt so the plant stays in when we turn it upside down and hang it.

I'll post later about how they work and hopefully post some pictures.