Friday, June 13, 2008

This morning a car with its hood up and a vehicle behind it were blocking one lane of traffic from turning left where I need to this morning. Because the light was red I was there long enough to see a guy come running from the convenient store across the street with a quart of oil.

I'm not very mechanical but I do know that if the car has no oil it's locked up and isn't going anywhere. If there is oil and the car runs he could have driven across the street to the convenient store. If the car's not running, a quart of oil won't solve the problem.

Seeing the situation reminded me of a friend in Illinois who once said whenever anyone called him with a car problem they would almost always say, "I checked the oil." He would laugh and say, "Did you check the air in the tires?"

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

You're so funny!