Thursday, September 18, 2008

Local News

McCain and Palin had their first town hall meeting in Grand Rapids last night. Side note: I would have loved to have gone, but I was at handbell practice and didn't know until this morning that it was being shown live on tv which I could've seen part of after bells. Yesterday all the news was about preparations for the town hall meeting. The radio news in the afternoon detailed what time the planes landed (separately) and the motorcade, etc.

This morning's top newsline on the major local tv news station: A rollover crash in Holland has two injuries. The second story was about a local leadership summit addressing a myriad of issues beginning today. The third story was about Palin's personal e-mail account being hacked into, and finally story number 4 was about the McCain/Palin appearance.

I still don't know what was said last night as they had a senior nursing student from Western Michigan give her opinion about the appearance being in Grand Rapids and a local Democratic Party official telling why McCain/Palin are wrong for the country.

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