Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Share the Wealth?

Dave Ramsey read an e-mail from a listener today who said he was driving and saw a guy on a corner (homeless?) with a sign that said, “Vote for Obama I need the money.” The listener then went into a restaurant at that corner and his server was wearing a tie that said “Obama”. When it came time for the guy to give his tip, he said, “I saw a guy on the corner who needs this money more than you do so I’m just going to give it to him.” The server was not happy and stormed off; the listener went out to the guy on the corner and gave him the money.

I guess “share the wealth” isn’t so good if you’re on the “sharing” side. If you are forced to give is it sharing?

My uncle sent out this quote today: "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have communism"

Nikita Khrushev, 1959
Russian leader

I wish someone who was for Obama wouldn’t give as a reason that he’s such a good speaker. Does that really qualify someone for President?

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