Friday, December 19, 2008

Herman Miller Lock-In

It appears I'll be living at Marketplace until the spring thaw.

At the last minute I was going to go to another facility to the Herman Miller for the Home holiday lunch. A co-worker was going with me and I was going to drive. I went out to clean off the car which really wasn't too bad because of the wind and it being powdery snow today.

I backed out and then couldn't go forward and then I couldn't go backwards either. I tried manuevering back and forth until I finally did get into a parking space. At this point until the parking lot is plowed my low sitting Fit is going nowhere.

The plan is that we will all leave together and make sure everyone can get going. If I can't, my four-wheel drive friends will come get me.


Anonymous said...

A wise friend once gave me this advice: Just back up and get a running start.

Anonymous said...

I'm just now getting caught up on my blog reading. I am sorry to hear about Renae and her job. I'll be praying. GE is having job cuts next year too...we are trusting God for what He has in store for us.