Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I don't know the name but I heard on the radio a senator saying the AIG stands for arrogant, incompetent, and greedy.

This wasn't even an original comment, but does a senator who voted for TARP really have the right to call AIG arrogant, incompetent, and greedy.

The AIG fiasco show the gross incompetence of the government who quickly passed TARP without due diligence to know about the bonuses in the contact.

And now the talk is taxing the bonuses at 98% so the government gets the money back. So, do we really want the government to quickly pass a tax at 98%? I mean as nice as it may be in this case, I don't want them doing that to any money I get. And a retroactive tax is unconstitutional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...