Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jayne from Handbells, the encourager

This morning was my time to play the piano at church. There weren't a lot of songs to learn, but one especially was difficult. All Creatures of Our God and King has a lot of notes and a lot of stuff going on it. I felt ok after my last practice last night, but it was pretty rough this morning I thought. My consolation is that the piano is usually pretty soft so most people don't hear it much or even know anyone is on the piano. After the first set (sounds like a band!) I sat down beside Jayne from Handbells. I kind of shuddered and said that it had never been worse. She vehemently disagreed--"Nuh-huh! It's been worse before!"

Oh yes, that was a real encouragement.

Then for the song of response after we were supposed to sing four verses of a song with a key change before verse 4. When we have several verses I sometimes lose what verse we are on. I thought we had sung two verses, but the organist went into the key change. It rather threw me, but I played on. She plays for the choir number and asked me to turn pages for her. During the prayer while we sat at the piano I asked her how many verses of the last song we sang. She said three. Then she looked at the Order of Worship and said, "Oh no!" This may sound bad, but I really like it better when others mess up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Rhoda always plays well. She's very hard on herself and needs to trust the opinion of those who pay her an honest compliment. Her "worst ever comment" came after Jayne from handbells, told her she played well. And Jayne finds her opinion to be accurate a high percentage of the time :-)