Sunday, March 15, 2009

An Early Thankful Thursday

Just in case I forget this on Thursday. I rarely if ever carry a contact case with me. I put my contacts in first thing in the morning and take them out just before going to bed at night, and rarely, rarely, rarely have a problem.

This morning I put in new contacts after being warned by the optometrist on Friday about how long I wear my contacts. The right one was uncomfortable, but I thought it would get better. It kept getting worse and worse as we went through rehearsal, and then I remembered that I got a case with solution in it on Friday at the eye doctor's office and it was still in my coat pocket. On Saturday I thought about taking it out, but for some reason I didn't.

I was thankful that God had me keep the case in my pocket so that I could rinse the contact lens this morning before church.

In the interest of full disclosure I must say that rinsing it didn't help and it got only worse and worse as the morning went on. I actually took it out after church and drove home with only the left contact in. (Couldn't have driven if I'd done the opposite.) I took it out as soon as I got home, took off all my eye makeup, and rinsed my eye thoroughly. It's still irritated which makes me think either there's something in there, I have an eye infection, or I have pink eye. Thankfully it's not red just itchy and irritated.

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