Friday, May 29, 2009

Mission Service

Last night I went to the mission for the service. It was one of the best I've been to. The men were rather interactive with the person on the platform, and a guy who went for the first time really had a good rapport as he lead singing and sang People Need the Lord.

However, I don't think at a mission when the men are walking out that saying "Thank you for coming" seems quite appropriate. I found myself saying "Good night" quite a bit. After all, if they a bed and a meal they have to be there.


Nog Blog said...

I went to the Bloomington mission with Gloria once. She works there on the night shift and was giving me a private was such a terrible place I got so upset it took me three days to get over it. They just opened a new building in the last couple of weeks. It's of course a huge, HUGE improvement.

Ann said...

I've been to mission services too. It's a little unnerving but a good experience. The place that I got upset about was the jail - I took Andrew once for a tour for a Boy Scout badge and we both got quite an education that day.