Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More randomosity

1. Today was my annual review at work. There will be no pay raises this year so most people don't even want to go through the review process and the work team leaders really aren't putting much into it this year, but I still think it's a good thing to do. I appreciate when my wtl goes through the projects I've done this year, sees the development activities I participated in, and acknowledges the addition I am to the department.

2. I value that at HMI on a scale of 1-5, 3 means you are doing your job, 4 means you have done more that what is your job, and 5 is excelling way beyond. For years in education if you didn't get a 5 there was a problem. I noticed that with coaches as well. I actually had a coach set up an appointment with the principal because she didn't get straight 5s on her coaching evaluation!!!

3. Last night I took the night "off" so tonight I have work to do at my house--laundry to fold, MK stuff to organize, and most importantly a bike ride to take.

4. Today we discussed how much we like having every other Friday off. It will be hard to start working full weeks whenever that occurs.

5. Throughout today I remembered several "random" thoughts I meant to include yesterday and forgot. Now that I'm adding these I can't remember those again.

1 comment:

Ann said...

It's that way at Mike's job too. It is very very rare that anyone gets above a 4, and people are happy to get 3s. very different from the educational world.