Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today I Got Crowned

My appointment this afternoon was to put on the permanent crown.

The assistant about killed me taking off the temporary. She could loosen it but couldn't pop it off. She said she hated hurting people. When she took the pliers out of my mouth I said I think she got in the wrong profession!!! She laughed. The dentist was able to pop it off without pain.

However, putting the new one on was quite painful. They would've deadened the area but I wanted to tough it out rather than deal with a numb mouth.

I would like to know what other's threshold of pain is. Do I have a high or low one? Am I a wuss or do I put up with a lot of pain?

We discussed (as much as one can discuss with a mouth full of cotton and tools) the dentist's garden. She was about ready to ask me to come look at her vegetable garden and give her tips so I must have sounded as if I knew what I was talking about.

My mouth has felt better in the last two hours than it has for the last two months since the old crown popped off when I was in Atlanta!

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

I haven't had dental work in a while, thankfully, but I remember once telling the dentist I wouldn't need to be numbed, I'd just do my "Lamaze" breathing. I did the old relaxation and breathing routine every time he came towards my mouth. I actually handled it fine, but the dentist was a WRECK! I never did it again.