Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Brownie Came

When I was in elementary school I read a story about a cobbler who couldn't do all his work. At night brownies would come in and do his work for him. My sister and I will comment occasionally that we need brownies to come in at night and do some work for us.

My brownie finally came. My basement has been a total wreck for weeks now due to the flooding and repairs. When I got home from work last night I went down to check the water level. The front room that was stuffed with junk from the furnace room was cleared out and the foosball table put in the middle of the room. The bathroom was emptied of the paint cans and supplies and other miscellaneous stuff that I'd put there for the sump pump to be put in. The freezer and paint stuff was rearranged around the sump pump in a very practical way. The bedroom was straightened up around the bed and a path to the bed from one door and to the bathroom from the bed was cleared. What a relief to have the basement put back in come semblance of order even if there is still paneling down, drop ceiling scattered around, and a big hole in the floor in the corner.

I think my brownie's name is Renae.

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