Friday, July 31, 2009

Beans and Zucchini

My friend and I have a good sized garden as we like to make salsa and enjoy growing most of the ingredients--tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn, and this year for the first time onions. We also have other standard garden fare: potatoes, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, kale, and several squash plants both summer and winter. While everything is looking good this year, there are two items that grow the best and most plentiful, but they are two of my least favorites: beans and zucchini. I know anybody can grow zucchini, but one plant can produce so many that are so big!!! I know beans are good for me, and the beans we grow are good for green beans, but they still aren't my favorite and they are a pain to pick. This week we have picked at least 10 gallons of beans!!! Tonight I'll be in the kitchen freezing beans, but I'd love to share them if anyone wants to come get some. In fact, if you want you can have whatever you pick!!!

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