Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not in Alabama this week

This week four of my nieces and nephews are at my parents' home. Often when they visit I am there as well and through the years I have many wonderful memories of playing with the kids in Alabama. In fact, I think they are pretty old before they realize that Aunt Rhoda doesn't live with Grandma and K-Daddy/Papa.

So while I'm sure it's good for the grandparents to enjoy the grandchildren alone, I really miss being there this week.

1 comment:

Your mother said...

And we miss you, too. Early on I overheard "It is weird not to have Aunt Rhoda here." Those four are amazing and they actually enjoy each other. We've had almost zero squabbling. Cooking for six for each meal takes me back to the days when six at the table for each meal was routine. Tonight Jeff ate a good sized meal and when we got home from church he had two s'mores, a bowl of ice cream and half a bag of popcorn. And he was still "kind of" hungry.
But grandma said he'd had enough.